Monday, 5 March 2012

Cape Town Pride festival *awuuuw* lets!!!

Well hey guess its me again and today have something that is different, close and dear to my heart just because it shows the courage, bravery, strength, beauty ,love, and most importantly the PRIDE that one should posses no matter what. The 04-March-2012 marked the kick off of Cape Towns Gay and Lesbian Pride festival  and as you know by now yours truly was in to catch all the action just for you. firstly  I would love to thank CPUT's ( Cape Peninsula University of Technology) Bellville Campus Organisation GLOS for inviting me to be part of their crew to go to this very colourful and amazing event. The event kicked off at the Green point traffic Department and lets just say the environment was very nice and friendly and mostly colourfull] and this got me thinking that if so much people can stand and say this is who i am and how will forever be and they beat the odds what is stopping you , you ,you and you from standing up no matter what you situation is and just be true to who you are love is love if its from ho to who that does not matter  just be true to who you are so , to all gays and lesbians out there be proud of who and what you are because your beauty comes from with in and shines even brighter when you share with the rest of the world 52 NORTH  is your home too XOXO.  Below are some pictures that I took at the pride enjoy guys


Peace, Love and Happiness from me XOXO

GLOS was also selling  flags, arm bands, ties,scarfs and key holders for charity purpose amazing people indeed

Love is Love

Beautiful and colourful people 

LMAO!!! don't even ask guys CRAZY moment 

Me and my beautiful friend Precious who I invited and also came out to support 

Me,Olwethu and Jeanne Swagg surfing 

The best Beef Cakes in town 

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